Internal regulations
Our Code of Ethics:
- To treat existing and potential patients, staff and colleagues fairly, justly and ethically
- To put the interests of existing and potential patients before personal or clinical interests
- To make professional decisions and not be involved in matters for which one does not have the necessary expertise
- To comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and standards of professional conduct
- To ensure and promote integrity in professional conduct
- To strive to develop competence and encourage others to do so
Tavo klinika internal regulations:
1.1. Patient – a person who receives personal healthcare services. 1.2. Patient’s representative – the person’s guardian or legal representative who represents the person’s interests.
2.1. the Service provider, in accordance with its rights and obligations under this Contract and the Service provider’s Internal rules, undertakes to provide the Patient with paid personal healthcare services (hereinafter referred to as Services), and the Patient or the Patient’s representative undertakes to pay for the Services in the manner and within the terms and conditions set out in this Contract and the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure.
3.1. A patient wishing to receive planned personal healthcare service must register in advance during the working hours set by the Service provider, using the telephone numbers specified in the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure, or at the Service provider’s reception desk; the procedure for registering patients, as set out in the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure, may be subject to change in the event of a declared national emergency, quarantine or in any other case where it is necessary to ensure the security of the Service provider’s patients and the administration, the smooth operation of the Service provider, etc.;
3.2. The Patient and/or the Patient’s representative, having arrived at the premises of the Service provider at the time specified in the registration for the provision of the planned personal healthcare service, or having arrived without prior registration in the exceptional cases specified in the Internal rules of procedure, shall present the Service provider’s administrator with a document confirming his personal identity, and the administrator shall indicate to the Patient and/or the Patient’s representative the doctor’s office. The patient’s card is not provided to the patient; this document is handed directly to the medical staff by the administrator;
3.3. A patient who arrives at the Service provider’s premises after having registered in advance while being late for 15 minutes or more shall not be provided with the Services in order not to violate the rights and legitimate expectations of other patients of the Service provider to receive the Services in time and not to disrupt the work of the Service provider; 3.4. Patients who arrive at the premises of the Service provider without prior registration shall not be admitted, except in cases of medical emergency and in cases where the Patient’s family doctor or a specialist agrees to provide the Patient with a consultation etc.
4.1. Obligations of the Service provider:
4.1.1. to provide high quality and skilled Services;
4.1.2. to provide the Patient or the Patient’s representative, upon their request, with information about the Patient’s health condition and to provide extracts and copies/transcripts of medical documents in accordance with the procedure set out in the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure.
4.2. Rights of the Service provider:
4.2.1. to process the Patient’s personal data in relation to the provision of the Services to the Patient; to obtain detailed information about the Patient’s illnesses, surgeries, medications taken and used, allergic reactions, genetic inheritance, and any other data known to the Patient and necessary to properly provide healthcare services to the Patient; 4.2.2. for a Patient who breaches his/her obligations under this Agreement and the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure, thereby endangering his/her health and life, to terminate the provision of the Services, unless the Patient’s life would be endangered;
4.2.3. to terminate the provision of Services to a Patient who violates his/her obligations under this Agreement and the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure, thereby endangering the safety of the Service provider’s administration, healthcare staff and other employees and other patients, and violating their honor and dignity, unless this would endanger the Patient’s life;
4.2.4. in the event of non-payment of the fee for the healthcare services provided by the Service provider in accordance with the established procedure, the Service provider shall have the right to refuse to provide the services to the Patient and to unilaterally terminate the contract for provision of personal health services, unless this would endanger the life of the Patient;
4.2.5. in respect of the Patient’s indebtedness (irrespective of the amount of the indebtedness), the Service provider shall have the right to initiate debt recovery proceedings in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
4.3. Obligations of the patient or patient’s representative:
4.3.1. to provide proof of identity to access healthcare services;
4.3.2. to familiarize with the Service provider’s Internal Rules of Procedure, other documents provided by the Clinic and to fulfill the obligations specified therein;
4.3.3. to inform the Service provider at least twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled time of the start of the service, if he/she has registered for a planned personal healthcare service but is unable to arrive at the scheduled time;
4.3.4. to take care of his/her own health, to exercise his/her rights in good faith and not to abuse them, and to cooperate with the professionals, administration and other staff of the healthcare institution;
4.3.5. to provide the Service provider’s healthcare professionals with information about his/her health, illnesses, surgeries, medications taken and being taken, allergic reactions, genetic inheritance, and any other data known to the patient that is necessary to properly provide healthcare services;
4.3.6. after receiving information about the healthcare services to be provided to him/her, in the cases established by the Law on Patients’ Rights and Compensation of Damages to Health of the Republic of Lithuania to confirm in writing his/her consent or refusal to the provision of specific healthcare services;
4.3.7. to comply with the prescriptions and recommendations of healthcare professionals or to refuse the prescribed healthcare services in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Patients’ Rights and Compensation for Damage to Health of the Republic of Lithuania. The patient must inform healthcare professionals of any deviations from the prescriptions or regimen for which he or she has given consent;
4.3.8. to observe public order on the premises of the Service provider: not to make noise, not to smoke, not to consume alcoholic, narcotic, or other psychoactive substances. The Service provider’s staff may refuse to provide services if the patient arrives at the Service provider’s premises drunk or under the influence of narcotic substances, or if he/she behaves rudely, insolently and/or aggressively with the Service provider’s administration or medical staff, except in cases where the patient’s life would be at risk;
4.3.9. to pay for the healthcare services provided to him/her in accordance with the procedures set out in the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure.
4.4. Rights of the Patient or Patient’s representative:
4.4.1. receive quality Services;
4.4.2. choose a healthcare professional – a family doctor and, if possible, a specialist doctor; 4.4.3. receive oral and written information about the Patient’s state of health in accordance with the procedures set out in these Internal rules of procedure;
4.4.4. obtain medical records and their copies/transcripts. Medical document extracts and copies/copies shall be issued to the Patient or the Patient’s representative by the Service provider’s administration in accordance with the procedure set out in these Internal Rules; 4.4.5. not knowing health or treatment related information;
4.4.6. refuse treatment;
4.4.7. right to privacy;
4.4.8. respectful behavior of the Service provider’s administration, healthcare professionals and other employees of the Service provider;
4.4.9. if the Patient considers that his/her rights as a patient have been violated, he/she shall address a complaint to the Service provider in accordance with the procedure set out in the Law on Patients’ Rights and Compensation of Damages to Health of the Republic of Lithuania, and shall receive a response regarding the complaint;
4.4.10. the patient shall have the right to compensation for damages incurred during the provision of the Services in accordance with the Law on Patients’ Rights and Compensation for Damage to Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.
5.1.The patient shall pay for the services rendered in accordance with the Service provider’s approved Price-list at the Service provider’s reception desk immediately after the service has been provided (consultation of a family doctor, consultation of a specialist doctor, medical examinations performed (regardless of whether or not there are any results of the examinations), a procedure performed, a medical document issued, etc.). The Patient or the Patient’s representative is informed that the Service provider has right to change the prices of the Services and agrees to this;
5.2. Payment for the services provided by the Service provider can only be made in cash or by bank card, except for the exceptions provided for in the Service provider’s Internal rules. 5.3. Payment for the services provided by the Service provider to the Patient by transfer to the Clinic’s bank account is possible only in the following cases:
5.3.1. if the patient has a health insurance contract and the insurance company pays for it; 5.3.2. if the patient has previously agreed the method of payment by bank transfer with the Clinic (Clinic’s Medical Director) and has received consent (verbal or written). The Clinic Administrator and the Clinic’s Finance Director are informed about the patient’s payment by bank transfer. The Patient’s payment by bank transfer must be made within 2 working days at the latest. If the patient fails to make the payment within the time limit set out in this clause, the Finance Director of the Clinic shall inform the Director of the Clinic, who shall have the right to initiate the procedure of debt reimbursement/recovery in accordance with the procedure established by law.
6.1. The Service provider shall be liable for improperly provided Services in accordance with the law;
6.2. Interest shall be demanded in cases where payment for the Services is 10 or more calendar days overdue. The Patient or the Patient’s representative shall be liable to pay late payment interest of 0.02 percent per day on the amount unpaid.
7.1. The Agreement shall enter into effect upon signature and shall remain in effect indefinitely;
7.2. The Contract may be terminated by agreement between the Parties or unilaterally for material breaches of the Contract by giving 10 calendar days’ notice to the other Party.
8.1. By signing this Contract , the Patient or the Patient’s representative confirms that:
8.1.1. is familiar with the Service provider’s Internal rules of procedure,
8.1.2. has been fully informed of the services to be provided, the conditions under which they are to be provided, and has received other information of interest to him/her that will affect his/her decision to enter into the contract, and has understood the information,
8.1.3. is fully informed of the prices for paid services that apply to the provision of the Services by the Service provider. The Patient or his representative are also informed that the prices of the Services may change following the adoption of a new Price-list by order of the Service provider’s Director.
8.2. Disputes arising out of this Contract shall be settled by mutual negotiation and, in the event of failure to settle, by recourse to the courts in accordance with the procedure established by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
8.3. The terms of the Contract may be amended or supplemented only by mutual written agreement of both parties. Any agreement to amend the terms of the Contract shall form an integral part of this Contract.
8.4. This Contract is drawn up in duplicate in the English language. One copy of the Contract shall be given to the Patient or the Patient’s representative and the other to the Service provider.
8.5. In the case of ambiguity or discrepancy between Contract versions in Lithuanian and English versions, version in Lithuanian language prevails.