Polocko str. 17-201, 01205 Vilnius

+370 6844 0839  +370 601 22 649

+370 6844 0839  +370 601 22 649

Indrė Dirsaitė

Indrė Dirsaitė

Family doctor

About specialist


1990-1996: Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine – Medical Doctor qualification

1997-2000: Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine –  Family Medicine Residency, professional qualification as a Family Physician

Professional Experience

1996-1997: Vilnius University Hospital – Medical Doctor

1996-1998: UAB “Baltijos Amerika Klinika” – Medical Doctor

1997-2000: Vilnius University Hospital – Resident Family Physician

2000-2016: UAB “Baltijos Amerika Klinika” – Family Doctor

Since 2016: UAB Tavo Klinika – Family Doctor

Operational licences and certificates

MPL – 06985 Family Doctor licence

LT-0038-4 Aviation Medicine Doctor Certificate


Professional Development

2000: Refresher course “Zalsburg Seminars, Family Medicine”, Zalsburg, Austria

2005: Lufthansa Airline Doctors Congress, Frankfurt, Germany

2006: Conference “Primary Care News 2006”, Amelia Island, Florida, USA

2007: Wonca European Conference of Family Physicians 2007, Paris, France

2008: Internship at the Open Institute of Medicine, Hospital of Vienna, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vienna, Austria

2008: Lufthansa Airline Doctors’ Congress, Wiesbaden, Germany

2009: Conference “Family and Therapeutic Medicine News 2009”, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

2012: Wonca European Conference of Family Physicians 2012, Vienna, Austria

2017: “Wonca European Conference of Family Physicians 2017”, Prague, Czech Republic

2017: Refresher course “Electrocardiographic and Cardiopulmonary exercise testing” (introductory course)

2017: Aeromedical Training Course, Tallinn, Estonia

Prices for family medicine services

1. Family doctor consultation (Monday-Friday)

75 €

2. Family doctor consultation (Saturday-Sunday)

95 €

3. Family doctor Rūta Maciulevičienė consultation (Monday-Friday)

80 €

4. Family doctor Rūta Maciulevičienė consultation (Saturday-Sunday)

100 €

5. Follow-up visit to family doctor (Monday-Friday)

55 €

6. Follow-up visit to family doctor (Saturday-Sunday)

75 €

7. Follow-up visit to Dr. Rūta Maciulevičienė (Monday-Friday)

60 €

8. Follow-up visit to Dr. Rūta Maciulevičienė (Saturday-Sunday)

80 €

9. Urgent consultation with a family doctor

120 €

10. Electrocardiogram in the procedure room

30 €

11. Intramuscular injection in the procedure room (without the cost of medication)

7 €

12. Intravenous drip in the procedure room for up to 1 hour (without medication)

50 €

13. Additional 1 hour intravenous drip in the procedure room

20 €

14. Intravenous drip in the procedure room with patient medication (not applicable in the case of iron infusion)

40 €

15. Intravenous drip in the procedure room with patient medication Monofer

100 €

16. Intravenous drip with vitamins

from 65 €

17. Intravenous drip in the procedure room in red light therapy

70 €

18. Intravenous drip with vitamins in the procedure room in red light therapy

85 €

19. Therapy in the procedure room

20 €

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have

Polocko g. 17-201, 01205 Vilnius

+370 6844 0839  +370 601 22 649